Friday, August 27, 2004

Some notes on Class Discussions

For those who are not the discussants of the day, you are required to read the primary texts (in our textbook) of the assigned philosophers to be discussed in the class. This exercise will enable you to ask questions properly and to be able to have enough background about the major thoughts of the philosophers.

For today, you have to read:
(1) Fridugis
(2) Boethius

Since in our textbook, we do not have a reading on "The Consolation of Philosophy" by Boethius. I would like YOU to have a copy of it and read it before Saturday's class next week. You can also search the Internet for a downloadable copy of the article. I will give a short quiz/exercise about "The Consolation of Philosophy" next Saturday.

As part of the requirement, you have to submit an outline of your report (in bulleted format) and topics plus the bibliography of references that you have used in the discussion at the end of the class. This will help me assess the organization of your report and the extent of your research materials used for the discussion. It must be typewritten on a short white bond paper (no fancy papers please) with 10 point font size Tahoma or Helvetica (no fancy fonts please).

Since we meet only once a week, I would like you to access this site more often, or at least two days before our class. I will post necessary announcements and readings for the succeeding sessions in thi blog. If you have immediate concers, you can always email me at or call me at (82) 221.2411 local 8303/ 8302.


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